
Showing posts from October, 2022

Boom... Here Comes Married Life!

Hey all, I hope all is well! Welcome to yet another post on this blog!  I've talked about a lot of things these past few weeks. I wrote a post about dating, and about best practices when going on dates with other people. Today, I was going to go along those same lines; however, this time taking it a step further. Dates are fun opportunities to see what we want in a relationship, and in a spouse. And when someone finds a person they feel like is the right one for them, they naturally want to spend the rest of their life with them. It leads them to marriage.  Once marriage comes, everything about life changes. You're no longer by yourself, and you need to get used to living with someone else now. I'm not married myself, but I can relate to living with random people and getting used to the way that they do things. It happened a lot during my mission. I met people from a variety of different backgrounds who didn't do things the same as I did. Sometimes it would even lead to

Dating and Courtship

 Hello everyone! Hope everything is going well for you all. Today I'm going to talk about a pretty relevant subject, especially concerning the younger generation. I wanted to talk a bit about dating. Now, I admit, I don't have the most expertise in this area; however, there's a lot that I learned this week which I would like you share with you.  It's interesting how blind we tend to be while in a relationship. There are different explanations for why it might be that way. One of the explanations if that someone might have a Misattribution of Arousal, where they mistake the feeling of adrenaline or the feeling of having their heart pumping, as a sign that they are attracted to someone. A study showed this where they surveyed people just after they had gotten done with a rollercoaster; and on a scale from one to ten, it was polled that people rated the person two points higher after they had ridden on the rollercoaster. There are other explanations as well for why people

Our Gender Roles are Divine

Hello everyone! Welcome to my fourth blog post here on this blog. There have been a lot of things that I have learned so far in class. Most of what I learned was focused on how the different gender roles and responsibilities both complement and support each other. We have been created on this Earth for specific purposes in mind. Adam and Eve were given life and were commanded to create the first human family. I especially love what God says after he had created man. In Genesis chapter 2, which reads, "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."  I love this scripture and how it exemplifies that neither the woman nor the man could ever take on the responsibilities of both of the parents. They need each other. It is a divine calling. James E Faust taught this same principle when he said that "Being a father or a mother is not only a great challenge, it is a divine calling. It is an effort requiring consecration

Culture at Home, Culture for the Future

 Hello everyone! Welcome to my third blog post so far, and it's crazy that we're already into the month of October. There have been a lot of different, new and exciting things that I have been learning so far in class. One thing that I loved learning more about was how important culture is. At first, I attributed culture mainly to describe a larger group of people, such as Hispanic culture or American culture. But as I learned more about what that word really means, it could also be described in smaller groups of people as well. Culture also exists inside families, with friends; it's the overarching word to describe the customs or characteristics of any type of social group.  The way you act within the walls of your home, the way you interact with you family members, that is the culture inside of your family. Each individual family has their own unique culture. I have one inside of my family, and you have one as well. For example, one thing that my family and I do every yea

Of Systems and Subsystems

Hello everyone! Welcome to my second post so far on this blog. As I have been in the Family Relations class, I learned a lot of things that I didn't really understand before. I didn't realize how complicated the structure of a family could be, and that was one thing that surprised me a lot during class last Thursday. There is something called Family Systems Theory, and as I learned more about it I became fascinated in this idea. To simplify it, the Family Systems Theory is basically a theory that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Every member of a family has a specific purpose or something to contribute, and it is a lot more complicated than meets the eye.  To draw a comparison, I really liked the analogy that was used during class, about if we take an air conditioner for example. Or the lights. Each of those systems have multiple parts to it. All of those parts do nothing on their own; but when you connect them all together, they create this wonderful system that