Last One for the Books!

Hello everyone! This is a bit of a bittersweet blog post. It will also be my last time making a post on here (at least for now). It's been an awesome ride being able to talk to you all and make these posts. And through my own research I've been able to confirm for myself how families are so important. 

It is very sad how in today's society, families aren't seen as prominent or as important as before. Prophets throughout all of time, have warned us about this the danger of this. In the family proclamation, it reads, "Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets." We see this prophecy unfolding in our day. We live in a world where broken families have been somewhat normalized. Divorce runs rampant. Children are even discouraged. When people have a dispute or disagreement, one of the first thoughts now, is that they made a mistake. Maybe I married the wrong person. Maybe he isn't the right one for me. This mindset can be extremely damaging and harmful. It leads people to preemptively quit their relationship and file for a divorce before they even give the other spouse a chance. Most people don't even truly fall in love with somebody until years into their marriage. 

It is true, that oftentimes the person you will be disappointed the most in life will end up being your own spouse. They will always do something that starts to annoy you to no end or make mistakes that might get you upset. It will lead to disappointment. However, that disappointment should be no cause to ultimately give up without even giving them a fair shot. Communication is key to a happy and successful marriage, and we see when people neglect that, the dastardly consequences are then apparent. 

It has been shown constantly by research that many divorced people regret making that decision. Estimated 70% of couples who have divorced, said two years later that they not only could've saved the marriage, but should've saved the marriage. It takes about two years to finally reach that stage of normalcy; however, many couples don't even let their marriage escalate even that far. They need to work together and protect their marriage, instead of giving up when things first go awry. That's why talking things out is key and getting through these issues and concerns when they are first brought up, instead of letting it fester and ruin the marriage entirely. A lot of closed-door conversation is important in saving the marriage and just working together. 

Granted, even with this said, I'm not saying that divorces should never happen. Sometimes, specific circumstances will encourage otherwise. If a spouse is being abusive and won't stop no matter how many times you tell them to, then that is a sure sign that divorce is probably the best option in that case if it is impossible to work and talk it out. 

Well, thank you all for listening to my blog post this week. I loved making every single one of these and who knows, maybe you'll hear from me eventually. Till next time, peace out! I'll talk to y'all later. 


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